Energetics can be found in many types of medicine such as traumatic medicine, allopathic medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is an effective energy medicine for a few reasons. There is a 4,000 year old history backing the etiology, physiology of organs and organ network vessels, pathology of these organ and organ network vessels.Acupuncture uses the natural energy field of the body to help itself begin healing. I like to think of it a knitted sweater. If there is a tangle in a shoulder of the sweater, you mend it by going to distant areas and pulling and tugging to get the threads back into order. Acupuncture is very similar to this metaphor. The needle mends the energy field of the body by causing interactions between physical body and energetic body.Human intention plays a role all types of medicine. The intention of the practitioner and the patient can make a big different in the results that could be achieved. Human intention plays a very important role in acupuncture. Even if the patient has no faith in the treatment, the patient can still get results. This usually causes patients to come back for more acupuncture even if they don't understand the principles behind the medicine. The results can be immediate, especially with relieving pain. I believe this is what makes it a very effective energetic medicine. People who have to faith in the medicine can obtain results. The stronger the patient believes in the medicine, a stronger reaction occurs, creating a very satisfying result. Kirilian photography would be a great tool to use to record the before and after treatments from acupuncture. Kirilian photography is a technique for recording photographic images of corona discharges and hence, supposedly the auras of living creatures. A corona discharge would be the glow surrounding the object captured on film. The glow is created when a electric field is generated by a spark between a electrically grounded object and electrode.
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