Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 1: Assignment 1

 I think time is a subjective experience.  It can easily switch from time dragging on so slowly, or it can go by so fast you wished the to experience could happen again, so you could savor it one more time. Dark matter can distort time through its halos.  Dark matter halos of galaxies can lag in time just by interacting and colliding with each other.  If we could harness and understand how dark matter works, I believe we could physically slow down time.  Until then we will have to experience time subjective.

Cultural implications of time make for a fascinating business or social meeting. Mono-chronic time is geared towards more of a capitalist and CEO world.  Tasks and meeting must be done asap, always be on schedule and individual growth.  Poly-chronic time places more importance on social well being of the individual and community. if a meeting is to be held,  the social niceties are taken care of first. Then the meeting will be held after everyone is taken care of. I think a combination of mono-chronic and poly-chronic could be the best way to lead a successful life.  There are times when as an individual you need to understand and concentrate on your goals so you can move forward. Then how your accomplish your goals could really contribute to a bigger cause.

Are parallel universes possible? I think it's possible.  Our universe is so large, it contains many secrets that are hard to comprehend for us humans.  One thought that came to mind were dreams.  Sometimes when I dream, I feel like i lived a whole different life in  a 2 hour  nap once. I believe the answer to discovering parallel universes depends on how we view the world.  If we can simultaneous hold a singularity view and a holistic view and hold both is true, we could definitely get closer to the truth. Or it could be a really simple answer that would be difficult to comprehend and believe.